"My Name Is Earl" is a television program about karma and redemption, but critics are saying there is an extremely strong tie to the the Church of Scientology. "What goes around, comes around" is an old addage that in my opinion, tends to be true. In fact, I wish more programs had nice, valuable and whole-hearted messages to send out to America's couch potatoes.
"My Name Is Earl" carries the karmic principle throughout each episode, as reformed felon Earl Hickey attempts to make up for past wrongs by facing each ill-act and making things right. But there may be something fishy at the heart of "Earl" if you believe what many critics are saying.
Critics claim there's a heavy influence by the Church of Scientology on the show with jobs for the its members, and a crypto-religious subtext. Silly me, I thought it just a silly show with a pleasant message.
It would blow to be a publicity officer for the Church of Scientology right now. First, there was controversy caused by the Panorama program and the John Sweeney meltdown. Now, there are the allegations about "My Name Is Earl." Not to mention the reprecussions of famous jackasses like Tom Cruise running around.
The connection begins with Earl himself. Actor Jason Lee is a Scientologist, as is show creator Greg Garcia and Ethan Suplee who plays Earl's maybe-retarded brother Randy. Not to mention an ensemble cast and guest appearances featuring the likes of other freaks such as Juliette Lewis. Also down with the Church is Giovanni Ribisi, who plays character Ralph Mariano. Looks like if you are in Hollywood, a church membership may just trump having a union card, fake tits and relevant experience.
Scientologists in Hollywood are nothing new. High profile members include Beck, Kirstie Alley, John Travolta and Priscilla Presley. While there is nothing in its doctrines promoting celebrity, it certainly hasn't shied away from embracing the publicity it gets from it's tinseltown darlings. Were you aware thatCharles Manson is also said to have studied Scientology? Strangely, the Church seem less eager for people to know about that.
They certainly seem to be a touchy bunch, these Scientologsts. People tread warily around them due to their hearty appetite for legal action.
But, I am not jumping to any conclusions. Who doesn't hook their homies up? And it's Hollywood, for christ's sake. Tinseltown has always had cabals, real or imagined. For instance, Spencer Tracy's Irish mafia in the 1930s, or the recent panic about the alleged "gay mafia."
Maybe critics wouldn't be freaking out if "My Name Is Earl" wasn't such a well-received show. Whatever the case, Scientology seems unlikely to shake off the common perception that it is a cult. Are they using creepy commie brainwashing techniques to brainwash already half-retarded television viewers? I don't know. I don't really care.
If you don't like the idea, you can always use your chubby fingers to push the up button on the remote.