Friday, August 22, 2008

Moving Sucks

So, I have begun packing for my big move to Denver.
With every washcloth folded, and poster rolled up I seem to remember why I hate moving so much.
And why I will miss so many things about the Twin Cities and the amazing people I have been lucky enough to know here. And even the shitty, horrendous ones.
Wednesday is my last day of work. That means Thursday is dedicated to SERIOUS packing and cleaning.
I dread it.
I dread moving.
I can't wait to move.
I hate getting rid of my clothes.
I detest packing.
I am excited.
I am scared.
I am sad.
I am happy.
And to top it off, I am afflicted by my menses.
I'm doomed to cry.
Here are some tunes, cheers to Friday. And boo to packing. For you. A playlist.
To pack to.
The Kills- "Tape Song"
Whitey- "Wrap it up"
The Avvett Brothers- "Tear Down The House"
Muscles- "Sweaty"
CSS- "Move"
Julieta Venegas- "Eres Para Mi"
The Black Angels- "You on the run"
Rare Earth- "Get Ready"
King Khan and The Shrines- "How Can I Keep You?(Outta Harm's Way"
The Sahara Hotnights- "Hot Night Crash"

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Giant Turd Wreaks Havoc on the Swiss

American artist Paul McCarthy's giant inflatable dog turd was blown from its moorings at a museum in Switzerland, tearing down a power line and smashing a window before landing in the grounds of a children's home.
Now that is some shit!
This exhibit, entitled "Complex Shit" is reportedly the size of a house. Installed within is a system that deflates it automatically due to bad weather, that apparently went to crap. (I couldn't help it).
Oh the glory of American art.

Epic battle of Proposition No. 8 Rages on as the Money Builds up

An unbelievable total of nearly $8 million has already been donated from supporters and opponents of California's marriage ban. It's too bad that people can't be more passionate with other issues.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Elf Ears For Thee?

pic courtesy of
Calling all inhabitants of Middle-Earth aka "your mom's basement." You too can now look like a mystical and majestic elf, without the spendy surgery or stifled laughter of plastic surgeons! Here is how!
1. Find a pair of scissors. The sharper the better. Your sword may be a bit too wide.
2 Clean them shits real good-like.
3. Ask yourself, "Do I really want elf ears?" Because it is kinda, well, you know ... PERMANENT.
4. Cut a triangular chunk out of your upper ear. This would be a good point for your vampire boyfriend to come make out.
5. Sterilize a needle with a torch, or lighter, thread with fishing line, and sew your ear back together in the desired shape.
6. Put some tape around your ear to hold it together and prevent strain on the stitches.
7. Go to the nearest Renaissance Festival and show those glorius ears off, elfy!